After nearly losing my life to an undetected burst appendix in May 2016, I decided that I needed to take some time out and enjoy myself.
Life had other ideas though, a breast cancer diagnosis in November 2017 wasn’t in my plans. These blogs on Lady Hawk Travels are my thoughts and feelings around that time. My trip through France and Spain and the beginning of my healing journey.
I shall be adding blogs as I go forward but have also included some that I wrote as I was working through the first couple of years of my healing programme. Some are happy and one in particular may come across as angry and a ‘bit shouty’ – I was just fed up with the world and people on that day. I have learnt that it is very important to get out of your system whatever it is that is upsetting you on a cancer healing journey. It is not good to keep your negative emotions buried, get them out into the air, inspect them and thank them for showing up. There is no offence meant to anyone in my blogs, they literally just represent me at the time of writing. I would be a liar if I said that it was all laughs and smiles, although I did laugh when the Oncologist gave me my diagnosis – you can read about that on the about page!
My healing journey is very different to a lot of people, but it is that journey that has helped me create the Breathing Space. All I ask is that you take some time out for yourself to evaluate your next move.
Until next time
Take care