Welcome to Breathing Space from The McCourt Method
Breathing Space is an easy to follow 8 module programme to implement huge health changing habits into your daily life. This will help you to change the odds against cancer. Your body, mind and spirit will be operating from a point of understanding and positivity, not fear.
In this programme you will get 5 x one hour “Check In with Jane” sessions and 3 x half hour “Check In with Jane” sessions. Each module comes with a complete guide, a journal with thought provoking questions and an optimal healing zone chart together with a comprehensive recommended reading list.
If you feel this programme would benefit you, or you have any questions, please follow the link and book in a 15-minute call for us to have a chat. I ask for 100% commitment, it is tough, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can simply message using this Contact Form.
The cost of this 8 module course is £995
In November 2017, I was diagnosed with Triple Positive Breast Cancer – Oestrogen, Progesterone and HER2 positive. Invasive ductal carcinoma, Stage 1, Grade 3, tumour size 1.8cm. I also had DCIS, which in cancer terms, is referred to as a Zero cancer. One to watch, but one that does not require immediate action.
In my life, I didn’t know anyone around my age with cancer – the only connection I had experienced was with my father, who passed at the age of 83 from pancreatic cancer. It was a total shock, something that I thought would never happen to me but there I was sitting in the oncologist’s office waiting for my results. It’s hard to explain the emotions which run through your head in that instance, but, if like me, you have received a cancer diagnosis, you will understand the total confusion, fear, and shock of those words “YOU HAVE CANCER”. It is a lot to take in.
As soon as the words are out “YOU HAVE CANCER”, you are told what the recommended treatment plan is. The chemotherapy, radiation, drugs, surgery, lymph node removal. All in a jargon which is totally alien to the newly diagnosed cancer patient. Following that, the diary is also produced and the date for it all to commence is sorted. Just like that. In my case, it was scheduled for 2 weeks’ time.
For me, this was too soon to properly digest what was going on. If you are here and reading this, then perhaps you also felt this way? There has to be another way? There has to be some time surely? I am not going to die tomorrow, and how long have I had the cancer before it was discovered? Some cancers take years to reveal themselves.

I sat with these thoughts for a few days, then decided I was going away, abroad, to work out what to do. I needed time to think away from everyone else’s opinions. I left the UK on 19th November, and cancelled all my appointments, surgery, and treatments from Spain a week later. I wanted time to myself to work out what I wanted to do. I stayed away for just over 2 months. In this time, I worked on myself, I researched everything I could find about healing cancer a different way. I made myself my project and threw my whole self into this project. If I felt something was beneficial to my healing I embraced it, if it didn’t sit well with me, I ignored it.
Breathing Space is my programme that I followed during my time away. I felt that before I made any big decisions as to how I may want to treat the cancer, either conventional, integrative, or alternative, I needed to make sure that my body was in the healthiest state it possibly could be. To receive a cancer diagnosis indicates that your body is sick. It is demanding your attention, and it needs positive active help. I truly felt at a deeper level that I needed this time to get on top of things and between 2 and 3 months felt right. I discussed this with my oncologist, and we agreed to meet 3 months after my diagnosis to see where things stood.
Breathing Space is a structured guided 8 module programme over 4 weeks covering foods, juices, coffee enemas, your environment, your personal environment, the lymphatic system, blood tests and other tests, as well as supplements. It looks at other alternative healing modalities in order to help you take an holistic approach to your healing. The final week sums everything up, with ideas for going forward. Included is relevant research links, recommended reading lists and YouTube videos along with relevant quotes. Everything that I found beneficial. Everything that was not talked about in the oncologist’s office.
I was diagnosed in November 2017, at the time of launching Breathing Space, it is March 2024. I decided to follow a 100% holistic path, no conventional intervention. I am healthy and well.
I cannot promise to heal you, I cannot promise you that – You must truly believe 100% that you have the power within you to make a positive impact on your outcome. By taking a Breathing Space you will give yourself time to reflect on how you got to be in the same position I was in November 2017. Sitting in the oncologist’s office waiting for those words “YOU HAVE CANCER”. It doesn’t have to be a death sentence, look at it as a life sentence. The chance to change your life for the better and to greater understand how your body works, what makes it sick, and what you can do to change the odds against cancer.
You might also be interested in Breathing Space Lite >
Difference between Breathing Space and Breathing Space Lite
Breathing Space is my signature programme. This programme contains 8 modules which closely follows the healing journey I first took when I received a breast cancer diagnosis of triple positive, invasive ductal carcinoma in November 2017. I gave myself the gift of time (10 weeks) before deciding on which path to follow on my healing journey. Holistic, integrative, or conventional. I truly believe that the time I spent discovering the incredible world of information outside of mainstream thought processes was invaluable and led me on a journey of fascination for the human body and given the right environment, its capabilities of healing from within. This programme also offers you 6.5 hours of 1:1 time to spend with me to discuss the implementation of the programme or anything else that you wish to speak about.
For those who are just seeking to improve their health, quality of life or wishing to head off serious illness in later life, this programme will benefit your enormously. The difference between the two, is that the Lite programme does not have any 1:1 time built in with me. However, should you wish to have some time to check in with me, you can do this by purchasing time separately.
Take a look at these testimonials from some of my clients
Thank you Jane, you can’t imagine how I followed you and how your story filled me with strength
Having read through this programme I have been able to get a better understanding of the science behind cancer and how it operates without trawling through endless websites that simply scare you.
The programme made me reflect on my approach to physical and mental health even though I do not consider myself a ‘holistic’ kind of person. I am not ready to give myself over to the complete holistic approach to dealing with my cancer but I appreciate Jane’s sharing of her experience and NOT telling you that this is the only way or even the right way for you!
I think your Breathing Space Modules are Brilliant! They make this cancer journey seem much, much more manageable. You have done so much research and, for me, it is such a relief to benefit from that and see the wood from the trees, see a path to follow.
I have just finished reading Module 8. You have done an enormous amount of research and your programme is crammed with information. Thank you so much for letting me benefit from it. Your programme has saved me a huge amount of time and energy in research and directed me to helpful and relevant information.
Module 2 – Food
This was the most interesting section. Excellent explanations of Methionine including videos. The breakdown of the food we eat or should eat is very clear and supporting explanations of good and bad foods are useful. Food charts/lists and the links are very good to have.