So What Is Cancer?
Have you or someone you love been recently diagnosed with breast cancer?
Are you scared, feel like your world has just fallen apart and don’t know what to think or do?
You need a starting point, a reality point, a point of reference from which to go forward?
Would you like a guide written by someone who has been where you are, done their research and explains what cancer is – in plain English?
You might also be interested in THE WHEEL OF HEALING >
Take a look at these testimonials from some of my clients
Thank you Jane, you can’t imagine how I followed you and how your story filled me with strength
Having read through this programme I have been able to get a better understanding of the science behind cancer and how it operates without trawling through endless websites that simply scare you.
The programme made me reflect on my approach to physical and mental health even though I do not consider myself a ‘holistic’ kind of person. I am not ready to give myself over to the complete holistic approach to dealing with my cancer but I appreciate Jane’s sharing of her experience and NOT telling you that this is the only way or even the right way for you!
I think your Breathing Space Modules are Brilliant! They make this cancer journey seem much, much more manageable. You have done so much research and, for me, it is such a relief to benefit from that and see the wood from the trees, see a path to follow.
I have just finished reading Module 8. You have done an enormous amount of research and your programme is crammed with information. Thank you so much for letting me benefit from it. Your programme has saved me a huge amount of time and energy in research and directed me to helpful and relevant information.
Module 2 – Food
This was the most interesting section. Excellent explanations of Methionine including videos. The breakdown of the food we eat or should eat is very clear and supporting explanations of good and bad foods are useful. Food charts/lists and the links are very good to have.