I am sure that many of you who read my posts have experienced dark fearful times when you feel out of control of your OWN LIFE – someone else has come along and LITERALLY bulldozed your peace of mind out of the way.
That feeling is all consuming and quite frankly – very frightening. It’s like losing your grip on an overhanging branch – for that split second you are in free fall – not making any sense at all of what just happened to you.
Every sense in your body goes into shock mode and that primordial gut feeling is activating the sympathetic nervous system to RUN.
But what if you can’t run, what if you have to face this ‘thing’ or be consumed by it.
Choices – we always have choices no matter how dark it seems. Choices will lead us one way or the other. To the dark or to the light. You choose to dig your way out and up, one step at a time, or you choose to let the mud swallow you up.
My life has been tough, I have been swallowed up by the mud on many occasions – it hurts deep down at soul level – WHY? WHY? WHY? Who knows, but for some reason this is my soul path to follow.
This latest trial has hurt the most BUT (I love that little word!!) it will not defeat me DO YOU KNOW WHY? Simple, I have reached out this past couple of days to wonderful people I know – I told my story of this latest event – and they held me up, shone THEIR LIGHT on me and gave me the strength to start turning this around.
In return for lifting me, I called a friend today who has a broken shoulder and some other challenging health issues. I caught them at a low point and paid the light forward.
GRATITUDE for me, GRATITUDE for them.
We need to share the love not allow the hate for our own inadequacies to deliberately hurt another.