When I was very young I don’t know what age but old enough to remember, I had an ‘”EXPERIENCE“, someone/another life form opened the lid to a large box and put me inside.
I remember looking up at them and not making any sense of it. They said to me
“Always remember that it will all be alright in the End”
THEN THEY SHUT THE LID and it went dark.
I have never experienced the lid opening again up until now … I think I am understanding
how life works … I wouldn’t say that I have had the easiest of lives. It’s been full of trauma pain and sadness, but also much joy and excitement.
Very low lows and very high highs, the one thing that kept me going through the dark times was that “voice”. It wasn’t actually a voice but more of a FEELING, “Always remember that it will all be alright in the end”.
Each time I hit a brick wall or a bad patch this belief got me through. A strong belief that you can CONQUER anything, can just simply get you through until you reach the other side.
Life is about peaks and troughs, when you are at the very bottom of the trough and you look up at the long, high sides any movement seems impossible.
BUT keep it simple put one foot in front of the other before you know it (and this may take
many years on this planet to understand this) you are at the TOP looking at the beautiful view.
I am reaching a point in my life after the worst six and a half years of ill health, including a totally unexpected breast cancer diagnosis, that I am nearing the top of my peak.
I have believed for 63 years that “it will all be alright in the end” And I think that is true, the lid has started to lift and the most amazing life is now pouring in