For those of us who have received a breast cancer diagnosis what was your first feeling when you were told?
Was it fear? Confusion? Disbelief? Did all the medical jargon MAKE SENSE to you?
I was PERSONALLY confused and sat there in disbelief. ME? Surely NOT ME!!
The FEAR angle crept in like an unseen enemy.
I would like to ask you a Question.
What was your feeling about it on your return home? Did you want to follow the path the Oncologist laid out for you OR did you wonder for a second if there was another way to approach this first?
I felt the LATTER – the direction of the TREATMENT didn’t sit well with me. I have said this before, I know, BUT cancer doesn’t appear overnight. So why does it become the enemy to be FOUGHT AND REMOVED so QUICKLY?
Everything around cancer in the media is termed a battle. My idea was to give myself time, make MYSELF MY PROJECT and work out my way through this with an informed approach to healing. If you find YOURSELF in the same situation as me, would you consider having a relaxed chat with ME to see if my Breathing Space information/guidance programme could be of BENEFIT to you?
If you do, then please contact me and we can arrange a touch base call to see what we can do together.
Healing is a curious thing that our bodies can do – it’s miraculous really the ability we all have inside to heal.
We need to work as a collective being considering all parts of ourselves mind, body, soul and above all believe 100% that we can begin the change before we decide on which path is the best for ourselves.
It doesn’t matter which path holistic, conventional or integrative but we must first start with US to begin the process of healing.
Our emotional state plays a huge role in this too and must never be underestimated in the healing space. Our bodies listen to every thought we make, every judgment we make, every emotion we feel about ourselves.
We have to move forward from a place of positivity, curiosity and to the greatest extent possible, without FEAR.