I love Spain, and always thought that it would be somewhere that I could live, but the universe had other plans for me!!
I Should Be Living In Spain
I sold my successful guest house business of 11 years in June 2017. I had always wanted to spend 6 months of the year living abroad, and in particular Spain, and the rest in the UK. I had it all sorted, apartment in Spain and the spare room in my son’s flat for the remaining time which gave me the perfect freedom to explore the world and make my next move.
The universe had other plans, on November 17th 2017 I received a triple positive breast cancer diagnosis. My life for a period was in disarray. I felt angry, cross with my body for letting me down, irritated that when at last I had some freedom from working 7 days a week to do as I pleased, a life threatening event took over.
I had just decided on a 3 month road trip through France and Spain, ironically 2 days after the diagnosis, so I decided to keep to my plan and go. The oncologist wasn’t happy, but it was my life. It was the best choice ever!
I discovered that there were alternative, successful ways of healing from this – so I holed up and followed my nose. I ignored everyone’s opinions and thoughts – some were totally negative, one friend declared all over Facebook that I should “ffs get it cut out” (that was so helpful to me!!!) and my sister asked me if I was happy to die!
Fast forward almost 5 years, I find myself extremely well, thriving, loving life. In October 2020 (at the release of a long lockdown) I relocated my whole family – Mum with Alzheimer’s, 2 son’s and a daughter-in-law (now with a baby girl on the way) from Wantage in Oxfordshire, down to Instow in Devon. We were all stale and needed an injection of new life and new direction. We all live together and it works surprisingly well.
It is from here that I wrote down what I did in those early days when I escaped to Spain for 10 weeks, leaving everyone behind to concentrate on myself. I have called my process the Breathing Space because that’s what it was for me. It gave me time to start healing my sick body. If you have cancer your body is telling you that you are sick and please pay attention. I created my new business The McCourt Method, and Breathing Space is my first ever online programme. An 8 week on-line programme, a signpost of all the information, books, research I found and implemented on myself over the 10 week period to get my body into a healing state before I made the next big decision on my healing path. You will have 6.5 hours of 1-1 ‘Check in with Jane’ time with me through this process.
Some say getting a cancer diagnosis can be a gift – perhaps that is true, I have a new happy life and my aim is to help remove the fear from a cancer diagnosis and help you realise that you are more in control than you are led to believe.