Powers of Attorney – Be Careful…

Powers of Attorney – Be Careful…

I have just completed The CPD Standards Office CPD accredited activity: End of Life Plan Facilitators Training Programme delivered by Before I Go Solutions.
My learnings through this process have been eye opening and especially my learnings around Powers of Attorney (PoA) for Health & Welfare, and Property & Finance.
BE VERY CAREFUL who you appoint as your PoA’s. Usually we appoint either 2 or 3 people we TRUST and here lies the big issue TRUST.
I live with and care for my mother who has alzheimer’s. We have been living together with the extended family for 2 ½ years now and we are all happy with this decision. Prior to this we have always been very close.
Recently the other person on the PoA who sees my mother 4 days a year has decided to lodge a complaint against me with the Office of the Public Guardian.
To be clear on this, this is a very serious allegation but, as I am finding out, not uncommon!
The OPG has a duty to investigate extensively.
The HURT, BETRAYAL, confusion and upset this has caused MY family is beyond comprehension, and all based on the so called hearsay of someone not in touch with the day-to-day situation of caring for someone with alzheimer’s dementia. 
Someone who is PLAYING on the fact that my mother’s powers of RECOLLECTION are not as good as they were. Frightening my mother so much that she is terrified that she may be taken away from our lovely home and PUT IN A CARE HOME. SHAME ON YOU other PoA.
I now have to “defend” myself which involves hours of paperwork, engaging legal advice as the legal speak around matters with OPG are quite frankly mind blowing – having to prove my innocence
Being put under the spotlight when I have done nothing wrong, apart from providing MY OWN MOTHER WITH HER BEST LIFE POSSIBLE.
The other PoA has freedom to live life as they see fit I DO NOT have this freedom I can’t go away on holidays, I have to make sure there is always someone around if I want to go out for the day or an overnight stay. MY LIFE IS ON HOLD right now. So I do not need this added complication to an already complicated life.
The one thing that SCREAMS out about this to me is that it is all about money. IT IS NOT about my mother’s health & welfare.
Just put simply, the other person is worried that all ‘their money’ (future projection here) is being spent ON PROVIDING my mother with a good quality of life that she wants. It was her decision to live this way. Why does my mother not have the right to spend her hard earned money on what SHE WANTS?
In the harsh light of day, if my mother was in a home, it would cost a damn site more than it does living with me. So where would the money be then? Spent on care home fees, the family home being sold to finance this etc. etc.
So, when considering setting up your own Power of Attorneys, take a long hard look at the people you appoint. Above all make sure that they get on together well and can work 100% together in the future care of YOU.
Powers of Attorney – Be Careful…

What a Difference a Day Makes

The sun rises in the morning, sets at night time, and yes, it rises again the next day all over again. 

Yesterday my day was in turmoil those of you who know me understand whythis was/is! 

We can carry the burdens of life experiences very densely in our bodies and they will (if you give yourself time to listen) manifest in all sorts of ways – a feeling inside that doesn’t “feel right” such as a knot in your stomach, asick feeling, nervous tension, anxiety, headache ANY NUMBER OF THINGS

This is YOUR BODY’S WAY of showing you that something is going wrong with your NAVIGATION system! If you feel it you need to see it, acknowledge it, ponder it and try and pin-point what the cause is. 

PLEASE DON’T JUST IGNORE IT as an annoyance, “Oh there’s that feeling again, I don’t like it, perhaps it will go away”. Flash news – IT WON’T GO AWAY UNTIL you acknowledge it, work on it, see it for what it is and accept, clear and reframe your thoughts around it. Only you will be aware of this until it starts affecting your external behaviour in the form of lack of patience, lack of time, annoyance at the smallest things that go wrong, angry outbursts, feeling out of control. Your negative thoughts are attracting these negative things to show up in your life. 

HOW DO YOU CLEAR THIS? What can you do? 

Well, for me I need to go to a place of calm, or meditation. Give your body time to settle into a period of quiet and stillness. To recalibrate. Here the MAGIC happens. 

From this place your mind is not crowded by the negative thoughts, push them gently away when they pop in unwelcomed. Give your energy system time to settle down, to start removing the trauma of these feelings. It is then that you can look at the situation which is causing these feelings of unease and deconstruct the incident. Look at it from all angles and embrace it for the learnings that it is giving you. 

I also find that by discussing the issue openly with others – not keeping it locked inside where the energy is trapped with no release, you will gain greater insight into what is going on within your physical body. From this place you can literally shift that “feeling or emotion” to a different “feeling or emotion” one where you feel calm, centred with your energy antennae back to the normal position. 

Last night, I talked about this very thing with a wonderful group that I belong to, and received a healing. I literally went to bed one person, and woke up today feeling a totally different person. 

The problem is still there – BUT (I love that little word) my perception around IT has changed. My body is no longer dense and heavy, instead much lighter and free to work this out on a higher energetic level. There will be resolution, I have accepted that what will be will be. It has no place controlling me, instead I will control it. Regain my power. It feels good.

24 hours is a long time, so much can happen in that space… WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES!

Powers of Attorney – Be Careful…

A Walk in the Sea

How happy can I be? HOW HAPPY CAN I BE?
That’s a big question isn’t it? This world we live in is such a huge mixture of dark and light, of good and bad, of happy and sad, as they say, AS ABOVE SO BELOW.
What does that actually mean?
Apparently it is a Latin translation from the ancient Emerald Tablet and roughly means that what happens in a higher realm or plane of existence also happens in a lower realm. Or as explained by Krystal N. Craiker, “Certain metaphysical beliefs centre around repeated patterns in nature …so it can refer to what’s happening inside the human body mimicking
what is happening in the wider world”.
Not sure I quite get this but my thoughts around this involve the idea that we are all made up of vibration, that we are more space than matter when measuring the space that exists in each of the 30 – 40 trillion cells that make up OUR BODIES. According to sciencealert.com 99.9999999% of your body is EMPTY SPACE!
It has been proven that we are vibrational beings, and those that talk about The Laws of Attraction speak about depending on the level of vibration you are acting from, this will determine what you attract back into your life. As an experiment, if you are happy you come across many events around you that make you happy. If you are sad, then the same.
If you are thinking of buying a blue car, suddenly you see blue cars everywhere. If this is true, then by the way we think, and by knowing THAT every cell in our body is ‘listening’ like a radar to every thought we make, then we can surely influence how our own day pans out….. if we are stressed and angry all the time, our body creates inflammation and this leads to illness. If we are happy and have good thoughts inflammation is greatly reduced.
If I am happy I get that feel good factor fizzing around my body if I am sad or fearful I get that horrible tight knot in my stomach and I don’t breathe properly or my voice is croaky. We are simply reacting to vibration in physical form.
By walking in the sea I prove to myself that in that instant I have an overwhelming sense of joy and happiness that is the feeling I want to carry forth into my day. This is the daily practice we must choose to install to create that sense of joy and happiness on waking in the morning. To kick start the day with our first thoughts being around what are the good things that are happening today. What can I create today, how can I serve, how can I be a better human being today and enjoy this brief experience and existence on this beautiful planet.
No-one else can create such a huge change in your physiology – no-one else affects YOUR OWN BODY’S CELLS AS MUCH AS YOU DO!!
So …. How happy can you be? AS HAPPY AS YOU OR I ARE WILLING TO MAKE OURSELVES! I will keep walking in the sea ….
Powers of Attorney – Be Careful…

Focus on the Positives

I have a lot on my mind at the moment (and I know that I won’t be alone in having the problems of the world on my shoulders). Stuff which isn’t pleasant, I am being tested to the limits, I have corralled all my strength and will power to getting up each day and not starting the day on a negative note.
The first thing I do is recite over and over again the Deepak Chopra mantra
“I move through my days light-hearted and carefree knowing that all is well”.
I truly believe that all will be well and that I am currently learning the lessons that I have mis-read throughout my life.
They revolve around keeping secrets for others and NOT showing up as MY authentic self. Funny really, I realise now at the ripe old age of soon to be 64, that I have never been allowed by others to be me, my AUTHENTIC SELF – sad. Allowing others to SUCK you into their story, their wishes, and their requests/demands.
You follow along thinking you are acting in that person’s best interests and FORGET TO THINK ABOUT WHAT IS IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS. That’s the STING IN THE TAIL.
OTHERS are happy to use your good will, your good intentions and your love that you shine out AGAINST YOU! It is heart-breaking.
BUT (I love that little word), that is my current reality.
I refuse to let this dominate my thoughts, my life, ruin my life, ruin the pleasures I get from living by the coast, ruin the enthusiasm for the new business I am creating, ruin my health, my dreams, myself.
I traded my car in last year for a campervan, living by the coast a GIRL NEEDS A CAMPER, campergran! As I am also a grandma and this tickles me.
When things are getting on top of me I am so lucky to be able to drive for 5 minutes and end up on the beautiful coastline of North Devon, park up and make a brew.
What would I be without my builders tea in times of emergency. It has always been the ‘go to’ in my family since I was a child. Any problems were solved by drinking tea!!!
In this space I can breathe, take the ever present restriction away from my throat, think clearly, read a book, take some time out. I walk along the beach, letting the wind blow through my mind creating some form of clarity.
The earth keeps on turning.
Nature keep on turning.
The tides keep on turning.
The day arrives.
The day ends.
The night arrives.
A never ending revolving circle of life. In a 100 years my problems will be as if they never existed. I will not exist, I have to make the most of THIS LIFE, live MY life.
So, I have drank my tea, walked the beach, pondered my situation,  changed the energy, now to go back and start sorting out this mess from a new perspective. One where I have regained my power, not given it willingly to someone who wants to take it away.
FOCUS ON THE POSITIVES LOVELY PEOPLE because others just love to focus on the
Powers of Attorney – Be Careful…

Shine Your Light No Matter How Dark it Feels.

I am sure that many of you who read my posts have experienced dark fearful times when you feel out of control of your OWN LIFE – someone else has come along and LITERALLY bulldozed your peace of mind out of the way.
That feeling is all consuming and quite frankly – very frightening. It’s like losing your grip on an overhanging branch – for that split second you are in free fall – not making any sense at all of what just happened to you.
Every sense in your body goes into shock mode and that primordial gut feeling is activating the sympathetic nervous system to RUN.
But what if you can’t run, what if you have to face this ‘thing’ or be consumed by it.
Choices – we always have choices no matter how dark it seems. Choices will lead us one way or the other. To the dark or to the light. You choose to dig your way out and up, one step at a time, or you choose to let the mud swallow you up.
My life has been tough, I have been swallowed up by the mud on many occasions – it hurts deep down at soul level – WHY? WHY? WHY? Who knows, but for some reason this is my soul path to follow.
This latest trial has hurt the most BUT (I love that little word!!) it will not defeat me DO YOU KNOW WHY? Simple, I have reached out this past couple of days to wonderful people I know – I told my story of this latest event – and they held me up, shone THEIR LIGHT on me and gave me the strength to start turning this around.
In return for lifting me, I called a friend today who has a broken shoulder and some other challenging health issues. I caught them at a low point and paid the light forward.
GRATITUDE for me, GRATITUDE for them.
We need to share the love not allow the hate for our own inadequacies to deliberately hurt another.
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