The idea of writing down everything that I did during my time in Spain following my breast cancer diagnosis has been circulating in the back of my mind since 2019. In fact, I attended a business course in London and one in Northamptonshire, trying to get my ideas into some kind of format. I didn’t feel right at these meetings, I couldn’t articulate what my message was, I felt that good old “imposter syndrome”, lack of confidence in my offering, feeling that people wouldn’t believe that I had actually achieved this.
In fact, over the course of the past couple of years I have actually had one professional tell me that I can’t have had cancer in the first place to do this, and another person telling me that I was irresponsible in encouraging people to believe that they could do something about a cancer diagnosis for themselves. This all added fuel to my feelings of lack of confidence.
In December last year, I was chatting to a friend about this and he laughed when I said that someone told me that I was irresponsible. He said “I would call someone running around a kindergarten with a gun irresponsible”, “go for it, you have a sound message”. This was all I needed to start off the process and begin finally writing the Breathing Space. I began early December 2021, and am now launching 9 May 2022.
Recurring numbers are things that we notice, my numbers are 5 and 9. I was born on 9th May 1959, remove the 19, and you get 9.5.59. This also works in reverse 59.5.9 – a palindrome. Whenever I get verification codes, or other types of access numbers, they are always full of 5’s and 9’s. I am aware that your date of birth with feature in some of these, but they occur randomly. With this in mind, whilst doing some energy work with a gorgeous woman from South Korea, it came to me that I must launch on my birthday, 9 May. I shall be 63 on this day, if you add 6 + 3 it equals 9!
Once this date was out there, things began to happen. This programme almost wrote itself. The ideas came, and all the people that I respected and have worked with during this healing process agreed to take part in the programme, offering assistance or services – I had my experts. I am not an expert, but I am a collector of information – A Sign Post if you wish. On the production side, again my team came together. I had my expert on the background technicals, Debbie Bunce, and I had my expert photographer, Jo Blackwell, and I had my expert video maker, Dan Blackwell. Everyone has worked with me to ensure this programme works, they have given up their weekend to help get this programme out.
I now choose to BELIEVE that I am on the right path, I have the confidence that this course is what is needed right now for so many who are bewildered with a cancer diagnosis. We do have time to work out what is right for us, don’t let others try and make you believe otherwise. I am not an imposter and I have walked this path and come a long way since that day in November 2017.
Welcome to Breathing Space 9 May 2022