Keeping on top of your health is exhausting when you have had a major health scare.
Today I went for my ANNUAL THERMOGRAPHY session, a 4 hour round trip. Laughing with the technician as I am sat on a squeaky swivel stool, top half naked with my arms in the air!
Swivel this way, swivel that way, you have gone too far!!
You have to take humour into this JOURNEY…. around this time of year… spring time I have a series of tests and consultations to make sure I am keeping on top of MY health.
It has really hit home to me that I alone am responsible for MY HEALTH. In truth no-one else is truly interested in the DAY-TO-DAY stuff it’s up to us to NOTICE, to listen to our bodies to see if they are out of kilter OR Need some attention, to monitor our thoughts, our feelings … emotions, I learnt recently the IMPACT the word RESENTMENT has on our physical bodies.
It is one up from HATE not a happy state to keep your vibration at and causes your body great stress to live in a STATE of RESENTMENT and general exhaustion – a feeling of great tiredness.
I am shifting this from my consciousness and my new MANTRA is ‘IT IS WHAT IT IS’ …. 5 little words that shift me from resentment to calm and freedom.
I think this word, feeling, state has contributed hugely to my ill health over the past 6.5 years. At first I thought this was impossible BUT it is the last thing I thought of which may have contributed to my ill health.
I have cleaned up my diet to a saintly level! I don’t drink alcohol any more, I do plenty around my mindset, giving gratitude daily for my life. I walk outside in nature, I go in the sea, I see my friends BUT something was definitely missing.
Ha! I have found you now, so I am practicing living in a state without resentment …. I have to catch myself when I go there … but I do, and I will, everyday from now on in. It has no place in my body anymore.
Persistence wears down resistance, IT REALLY DOES.
Being aware of your health can be exhausting but when you get it right your health can be amazing.
After all, all our bodies really WANT is to BE WELL. TREAT your BODY with LOVE