Mindset and My Healing Journey

I had an amazing day yesterday down at Cornwall Channel HQ in Bodmin, with Brock of Your Partnerships. We did this podcast together giving an outline of my journey pre cancer and how it led me to make the choices I made. Feeling a tad under pressure, as I am not used to doing these, I made a mistake towards the end saying low stress when I meant high! Forgive me please!
A Cancer Diagnosis
A cancer diagnosis is not something to be taken lightly, it is a frightening turn of events in anyone’s life, and my heading in this blog is not making light of anyone in this situation. Just maybe I can help you?
After a triple positive breast cancer diagnosis in November 2017 surprised me more than words can ever express, I decided to make myself my project and look into ways of dealing with this diagnosis. I found an amazing amount of available information surrounding cancer and other ways of coping with this disease that didn’t just focus on the conventional forms of treatment.
I know that looking at cancer from a different perspective from the mainstream treatments of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and relative drugs is often frowned upon, treated as irrelevant and we are maybe discouraged from approaching our healing path this way, and I totally get this.
However, if you could read a document that gave you information, books and research papers to read, that was based around one person’s true experience of dealing with breast cancer, would you at least consider having a look and seeing what may benefit you too along your decision making process? This is not about changing your mind, or trying to persuade you to do something you don’t believe in. It is about informing you of what else is out there, what may help benefit you along your healing path whatever treatment plan you choose.
I am nearly five years out from my diagnosis and I thought it was time to share what I have learnt over this time. I understand that you may be sceptical, but if you are in this position would you consider engaging in my programme? I am running a 50% reduction in the programme price for 9 people to come on board and experience the full programme. All I would ask of you is for your genuine comments, reviews, or testimonials. Perhaps we might help someone else along the way who just needed a little more information, to help take away the fear.
If you would like to know more, please follow this link: https://themccourtmethod.com/breathing-space-beta-test