
When I feel the need to write, it seems important to me to write what I am feeling at that very moment. 

The Blog Posts that you will be reading here have all come about due to something happening in my daily life, or sometimes from a title that just lands in my head! The Blog Post then almost writes itself. 

They cover a wide range of topics, my thoughts, my hopes and dreams, my life, some are cancer related and some are related to my work as an End-of-Life Planner.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy them and would welcome any feedback or comments that you may be feeling/experiencing from their content.

Thoughts About Pharmaceuticals and Dependency

Thoughts About Pharmaceuticals and Dependency

For the wrong reasons I remember a time for about 20 years when I was a serious MIGRAINE SUFFERER.   I would have about 3 x 3 day migraines per month. I was prescribed Imigran, drug to stop one as it was coming on. They would make me feel ill and sick for about half...

Don’t Trust the White Coats to Know Everything

Don’t Trust the White Coats to Know Everything

This statement may sound a tad controversial I know.   Are you someone who 100% believes that they know best or are you someone who has realised over TIME that they may be the EXPERT in their area, but that the area is LITERALLY THAT, one specific piece of YOUR BODY....

What Else is Available to Aid Natural Healing?

What Else is Available to Aid Natural Healing?

To do something OFF the radar of mainstream cancer therapies you have to 100% think out of the box. No time to be complacent, your body won’t know how to start without:YOUR HELPYOUR MINDSETYOUR BELIEF SYSTEMYOUR PROACTIVITYYOUR WILLINGNESS TO TRY DIFFERENT MODALITIES....

Mindset and My Healing Journey

Mindset and My Healing Journey

I REALISED MINDSET HAD A BIG PART TO PLAY IN MY HEALING JOURNEY! One of the questions that I was asked when I started going down the path of other ways to heal was “Why do you think you have cancer?”. An odd question, it made me cross actually – INDIGNANT! “What do...

Once in Spain I began to Sort My Life Out

Once in Spain I began to Sort My Life Out

I arrived in Spain at 3.00am. Drank a Gin & Tonic on the beach and knew it would be MY LAST in a very long time. If I wasn’t going back for the prescribed treatment for breast cancer I needed to come up with A PLAN. WHERE TO START? Cancer is a systemic disease, so...

A Bed Day is Sometimes Needed to Reflect

A Bed Day is Sometimes Needed to Reflect

As anyone who has experienced a cancer diagnosis will UNDERSTAND … It is NEVER far away in your mind. Healing without conventional support for me means I have to BE ON MY ‘A’ GAME all the time. It is Spring and time for an internal SPRING CLEAN, around this time each...

Other People’s Reactions to Your Cancer Diagnosis

Other People’s Reactions to Your Cancer Diagnosis

The reactions of those around you when you tell them you have CANCER. This was a revelation to me. I joked that I was taking one for the team dark humour – it appealed to me! All the opinions of others regarding what was going on in MY body. Everyone was suddenly the...

Cheeky little podcast interview…

Cheeky little podcast interview…

I had an amazing day yesterday down at Cornwall Channel HQ in Bodmin, with Brock of Your Partnerships. We did this podcast together giving an outline of my journey pre cancer and how it led me to make the choices I made. Feeling a tad under pressure, as I am not used...

How my life went from super fit to super unwell….

How my life went from super fit to super unwell….

It was June 2015, I needed a holiday … I was working too hard. I had found a yoga/juice fast retreat in Portugal, I really wanted to go. I couldn’t really afford it. So, I SOLD ALL MY GOLD! And I went … it was awesome, I felt the FITTEST I had been for a very long...

Life was really good!

Life was really good!

The day I discovered the lump… LIFE was GOOD, really good. I had sold my business and was living the high life. Time for me at last. Not a care in the world. A river cruise in Portugal, glamping in the wilds, a couple of trips to America, a long road trip through...

“Everything was going so well.”

“Everything was going so well.”

“Why me?” “I thought that’s it, my life is over” THESE Were just some of the reactions I felt when I discovered I had Stage 1, Grade 3 triple positive breast cancer. I remember the fear was overwhelming. I was absolutely terrified… full of uncertainty about the...

Can you Help me Please? Beta Testers Required

Can you Help me Please? Beta Testers Required

Can we help each other? A Cancer Diagnosis A cancer diagnosis is not something to be taken lightly, it is a frightening turn of events in anyone’s life, and my heading in this blog is not making light of anyone in this situation. Just maybe I can help you? After a...

Bank Holiday Thoughts … Health related as always!

Bank Holiday Thoughts … Health related as always!

  Thoughts ...  WHAT?!!!! CRPS or complex regional pain syndrome.  I have had an unbelievably tough road health wise over the past 6 years ... I remember thinking in September 2015 that I was the healthiest I had ever been. Physically, mentally and emotionally. ...

The Very First Step

The Very First Step

The first step is the hardest …. The First Step …. The very first step in anything you do is always going to be the hardest. Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis is no different. You will be totally bewildered, feeling great fear, and having no idea at first what is...

The Total Buzz of Cold Water Swimming and an Ice Bath

The Total Buzz of Cold Water Swimming and an Ice Bath

Ice Bath Wim Hof Style   I Love The Cold Water – what an unexpected surprise in my life!!! The Total Buzz of Being in Cold Water & an Ice Bath! Before I moved down to North Devon in 2020, I didn’t interact much with cold water, or swimming or the sea for that...

Why not take a look at Lady Hawk Travels – covering my early blogs when I first got the diagnosis –

Take a look at these testimonials from some of my clients

Thank you Jane, you can’t imagine how I followed you and how your story filled me with strength

Anonymous Nov 2023

Having read through this programme I have been able to get a better understanding of the science behind cancer and how it operates without trawling through endless websites that simply scare you.


The programme made me reflect on my approach to physical and mental health even though I do not consider myself a ‘holistic’ kind of person. I am not ready to give myself over to the complete holistic approach to dealing with my cancer but I appreciate Jane’s sharing of her experience and NOT telling you that this is the only way or even the right way for you!


I think your Breathing Space Modules are Brilliant! They make this cancer journey seem much, much more manageable. You have done so much research and, for me, it is such a relief to benefit from that and see the wood from the trees, see a path to follow.


I have just finished reading Module 8. You have done an enormous amount of research and your programme is crammed with information. Thank you so much for letting me benefit from it. Your programme has saved me a huge amount of time and energy in research and directed me to helpful and relevant information.


Module 2 – Food

This was the most interesting section. Excellent explanations of Methionine including videos. The breakdown of the food we eat or should eat is very clear and supporting explanations of good and bad foods are useful. Food charts/lists and the links are very good to have.


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