“Everything was going so well.”

“Everything was going so well.”

“Why me?”

“I thought that’s it, my life is over”

THESE Were just some of the reactions I felt when I discovered I had Stage 1, Grade 3 triple positive breast cancer.

I remember the fear was overwhelming.

I was absolutely terrified… full of uncertainty about the future.

I even disappeared to Paris as I could not be around anybody.

For a moment my mind did not comprehend what was going on.

Then sitting in a cafe drinking wine it hit me like a ton of bricks…..

Was this it?

How was I going to fight this?

Was surgery & months of chemo/radiation waiting on my return?

Ridiculous as it sounds I remember I really didn’t want to lose my hair or experience weeks or months of nausea and exhaustion.

I felt DEEP DOWN that there had to be something else.

Something that I had missed in the media.

Something away from the 100% conventional approach.

Something that wasn’t termed a ‘battle’

More of a HEALING process.

I knew that the majority of cancers didn’t just “appear” overnight.

I had read that 70-85% of cancers were put down to lifestyle choices and environmental issues.

If I was going to give myself the best possible outcome I knew that a holistic approach was urgently needed.

WORK on my mindset & diet.

WORK on educating myself about all that was out there to find.

ALLOWING my body to start healing itself.

(BIG DISCLAIMER …I’m not against traditional cancer therapies, many people are alive today that would not be)

BUT, as I have discovered, your best DEFENCE is knowledge

Your second best DEFENCE is to start healing your body to give yourself the best possible outcome of surviving.

I would Love to know what YOUR reaction was to such devastating news

“Everything was going so well.”

Can you Help me Please? Beta Testers Required

Can we help each other?

A Cancer Diagnosis

A cancer diagnosis is not something to be taken lightly, it is a frightening turn of events in anyone’s life, and my heading in this blog is not making light of anyone in this situation. Just maybe I can help you?

After a triple positive breast cancer diagnosis in November 2017 surprised me more than words can ever express, I decided to make myself my project and look into ways of dealing with this diagnosis. I found an amazing amount of available information surrounding cancer and other ways of coping with this disease that didn’t just focus on the conventional forms of treatment.

I know that looking at cancer from a different perspective from the mainstream treatments of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and relative drugs is often frowned upon, treated as irrelevant and we are maybe discouraged from approaching our healing path this way, and I totally get this.

However, if you could read a document that gave you information, books and research papers to read, that was based around one person’s true experience of dealing with breast cancer, would you at least consider having a look and seeing what may benefit you too along your decision making process? This is not about changing your mind, or trying to persuade you to do something you don’t believe in. It is about informing you of what else is out there, what may help benefit you along your healing path whatever treatment plan you choose.

I am nearly five years out from my diagnosis and I thought it was time to share what I have learnt over this time. I understand that you may be sceptical, but if you are in this position would you consider engaging in my programme? I am running a 50% reduction in the programme price for 9 people to come on board and experience the full programme. All I would ask of you is for your genuine comments, reviews, or testimonials. Perhaps we might help someone else along the way who just needed a little more information, to help take away the fear.

If you would like to know more, please follow this link: https://themccourtmethod.com/breathing-space-beta-test


“Everything was going so well.”

Bank Holiday Thoughts … Health related as always!


Thoughts …

 WHAT?!!!! CRPS or complex regional pain syndrome. 

I have had an unbelievably tough road health wise over the past 6 years … I remember thinking in September 2015 that I was the healthiest I had ever been. Physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Fast forward to 28th December 2015 and the following has happened to me: Left frozen shoulder, leading to an undiagnosed burst appendix. One month stay in hospital with major life saving midline abdominal surgery, peritonitis, sepsis, subphrenic abscess, further infections, intensive care x 3 days, drips and drains etc. A basal cell carcinoma on my face which was surgically removed. A triple positive breast cancer diagnosis. Right frozen shoulder. Dupuytren’s Contracture in both hands. Dental surgery that was so painful I had to halt proceedings with a bruised jaw and stitches as a result. Hand surgery in March 2022 which has now resulted in extremely painful CRPS. (more…)

“Everything was going so well.”

The Very First Step

The first step is the hardest ….

The First Step ….

The very first step in anything you do is always going to be the hardest. Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis is no different. You will be totally bewildered, feeling great fear, and having no idea at first what is going on.

I have been in your situation, I know that feeling of complete helplessness, or fear, or thought such as “Am I going to die?”.

Everyone in the oncology office is talking with urgency, you have to react quickly, you need surgery as soon as possible to get on top of this. You need this type of chemo, your need this form of radiation or this or that tablet.

But, I ask you to consider this question… Do you really need to act that quickly? Cancer did not just appear over night, it will have been there for a long time before it appears big enough for you to notice.

Please do not act in haste, give yourself a Breathing Space – I am happy just to have a chat and help to alleviate the fear. Please book in some time with me via Calendly on my page https://themccourtmethod.com/breathing-space or send me a message on FB, at https://www.facebook.com/TheMcCourtMethod

Time is precious, and you do need to act, but look at what time you really need, and what you need to start working out your own protocol, what suits you and how you want to go about it.

Take care, and I am always here – Much love Jane

“Everything was going so well.”

The Total Buzz of Cold Water Swimming and an Ice Bath

Ice Bath Wim Hof Style


I Love The Cold Water – what an unexpected surprise in my life!!!

The Total Buzz of Being in Cold Water & an Ice Bath!

Before I moved down to North Devon in 2020, I didn’t interact much with cold water, or swimming or the sea for that matter. I am not the hugest fan of my body in a swimsuit either, so perhaps that may have stopped me too!

Moving to the coast in North Devon, I found that I was surrounded by beautiful beaches, sea pools and gorgeous women who love cold water swimming, or dipping in my case! Nobody cared what you looked like in your swimsuit, it is all about the fun and the camaraderie.

Wim Hof has recently been on TV with his challenge so everyone is getting to know him. In January 2022 three of us decided that we wanted to do a one day challenge with Wim Hof (not him personally but one of his trainers) so we searched for places to do this and found one in Cornwall which was a 2 hour drive for us.

We learnt so much about breathing techniques, how to create an altered state and get into a trance like state to endure the cold water. You literally switch your body from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system – a great way to activate your immune system. You also get such a natural high it lasts throughout the day, along with increased energy and loss of mental fog. To get ready for the challenge, you have a 3 week challenge before hand to turn your shower each morning down to cold and gradually increase the time you are able to stand there! It certainly wakes you up and again creates that amazing mental high and the feel good factor.

We stayed in the ice bath for 2 minutes, then I put my head under for about 30 seconds, the feeling being submerged under the ice with the light from the sky streaming through was surreal. This was followed by the most delicious sauna ever with the others on the day. We were like children all giggling about what we had just achieved. So easy to make friends in the cold water world!

If you haven’t tried getting into cold water, I would highly recommend it. My next thing to try is a lake, or a river.



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