A Bed Day is Sometimes Needed to Reflect

A Bed Day is Sometimes Needed to Reflect

As anyone who has experienced a cancer diagnosis will UNDERSTAND … It is NEVER far away in your mind.

Healing without conventional support for me means I have to BE ON MY ‘A’ GAME all the time.

It is Spring and time for an internal SPRING CLEAN, around this time each year I have a whole raft of tests to ensure that everything I am doing still keeps ME healthy and well … I am 5 ½ YEARS out from my original diagnosis.

Blood tests, thermography, tighten up the diet.

Spring is a good time for this as it is a time for regeneration, the outside world is REGENERATING. so you also need to REGENERATE YOUR INNER WORLD.

TWO years ago I took an informed decision to restart some form of HRT … I wasn’t doing too well physically and emotionally, I needed a boost.

Not usually prescribed for breast cancer, BUT I have been feeling wonderful, back to my old self, brain fog gone and energy levels high.


This year’s blood test came back SPOT ON.

I am due a thermography in April, nothing of concern to be seen, I decided to add a new ‘top of its game genetic test’ into my portfolio – the RGCC test, or Greek test as it is also known. It measures circulating tumour cells and stem cells in your blood.

Most of us have them, our body is designed to kill them, my level was just slightly higher than the normal ideal range.


Have I made a mistake restarting HRT – the level is not shouting out that the original cancer has gone rogue, but it needs my total focus and consideration.


The plan is to TIGHTEN up my protocol, add in the NATURAL supplements recommended by the RGCC test to kill new blood supplies that the cells may set up, block any cancer cells from up taking the oestrogen that MY body is making to keep me feeling well.

An 18 week rotating programme of supplements, repeat after that, THEN IN 6 MONTHS TIME, I will RETEST the circulating tumour cells, if the number is the same or dropped I am on THE right path.

I do not have a baseline for my personal blood analysis as I have not done this test before. If they have gone up – I WILL NOT panic, I will review everything again and consider stopping the HRT, then researching again what my next step will be.

Nothing happens overnight!


I may just stay in bed today, meditate, relax, order the required supplements, and 100% truly believe…


A Bed Day is Sometimes Needed to Reflect

Other People’s Reactions to Your Cancer Diagnosis

The reactions of those around you when you tell them you have CANCER.

This was a revelation to me.

I joked that I was taking one for the team dark humour – it appealed to me!

All the opinions of others regarding what was going on in MY body.

Everyone was suddenly the EXPERT… “Do this”, “you must do that”, “FFS get it cut out” plastered all over my social media, “Oh, you most definitely CAN’T DO THAT, do you want to DIE?”

I don’t think that anyone expects to get a cancer diagnosis, it just isn’t on our radar, it is something that happens to somebody else.

So when it is YOU, you just sit there … in disbelief.

Are they talking to me? Surely not?

How can you tell me what to do when I don’t know myself what to do?

How can I think with all this noise around me? Why must I act so fast …

You are scaring me, run far away, far away from the opinions of others.

Regroup, be tender, be kind to YOURSELF, try not to be SCARED, I read that the FEAR doesn’t help, stress causes an inflammatory response, not good for an already sick body.

I read that 1 in 2 people born after 1960 will have some sort of cancer diagnosis in their lifetime.

But I didn’t think that I would be the 1 in 2!

A Bed Day is Sometimes Needed to Reflect

How my life went from super fit to super unwell….

It was June 2015, I needed a holiday … I was working too hard.

I had found a yoga/juice fast retreat in Portugal, I really wanted to go. I couldn’t really afford it.


And I went … it was awesome, I felt the FITTEST I had been for a very long time.

Fast forward to 28th December, I started feeling really ill, sick, in pain.

Fast forward to May 2016, my mother found me COLLAPSED in bed.

Emergency ambulance to the hospital, one month later I left the hospital.

3 days Intensive Care, Sepsis, a burst APPENDIX.

A long slow road to recovery, I nearly died, in fact I was lucky to SURVIVE.

Fast forward to November 2017, a breast cancer diagnosis.

But the universe hadn’t finished there, I had a succession of painful scary illnesses…

Basal cell carcinoma on my face … 20 stitches.
Two incredibly painful frozen shoulders – each took 2 years to start resolving.
March 2022, an operation on my hand – this gave me CRPS … Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome and my fingers won’t work properly now.
And lately in December 2022, Trigeminal Neuralgia in my jaw – Excruciating!

It is now March 2023 and I am determined…


What this is highlighting is that I need to WORK more on my emotional and spiritual health.

We totally UNDERESTIMATE the role our mental health plays in our physical health.

I am searching for some new keys to UNLOCK what I am missing on this Journey.

New mentors are coming in …

My intention for 2023 is to be a WHOLE person.

Not to leave any part of ME out of the equation.

A Bed Day is Sometimes Needed to Reflect

Life was really good!

The day I discovered the lump… LIFE was GOOD, really good.

I had sold my business and was living the high life.

Time for me at last.

Not a care in the world.

A river cruise in Portugal, glamping in the wilds, a couple of trips to America, a long road trip through France and Spain at the planning stage.

I DESERVED THIS, life was sweet

UNTIL …. One night laying in bed watching TV, I got an itch on my chest.

When I scratched the itch a FLEETING thought, Went through my MIND… Did I feel something?

Was that a LUMP?

Of course not was my first reaction!

I went on watching TV, then my hand crept back … to see if I could find it again.


A feeling of fright coursed through my body.

I don’t want to think about it.

You must.

In the morning was my conclusion.

I ignored the lump for about 2 months!

SILLY I KNOW … head in the sand, my friends were getting mad at me.


So I did.

3 needle biopsies, 1 mammogram, 1 ultrasound, 1 titanium tag inserted.

PAINFUL – I nearly fainted.

10 days later, you have BREAST CANCER!

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