Thoughts About Pharmaceuticals and Dependency

Thoughts About Pharmaceuticals and Dependency

For the wrong reasons I remember a time for about 20 years when I was a serious MIGRAINE SUFFERER.
I would have about 3 x 3 day migraines per month.
I was prescribed Imigran, drug to stop one as it was coming on. They would make me feel ill and sick for about half hour before they became effective. They got so bad and debilitating that I relied on this drug for work, for social occasions, for life to function.
One day the local pharmacy chemist called me into his consulting room and said he was worried about the amount I was taking. He suggested I got a BRAIN scan. My Doctor wasn’t Interested in my symptoms and it took all my indignation and banging on about my need to know that all was well in my brain for him to FINALLY agree.
I had the scan and my brain was actually OK no further forward.
Fast forward to NOW I DON’T suffer from migraines at all BUT WHY?
Following my natural cancer healing journey I ELIMINATED alcohol, we all know this is a poison but CHOOSE TO IGNORE THIS FACT,  I know I certainly did, and if I am honest, really honest I had a sneaky suspicion that it may be the CAUSE of the Migraines,  BUT because of Imigran I could get rid of the migraine and carry on drinking and “enjoying” my life.
I didn’t want to eliminate alcohol it is what made life fun OR SO I CONVINCED MYSELF.
Nearly SIX YEARS on from my diagnosis I rarely drink and if I do GUESS WHAT I feel terrible and get a headache.
I now realise the dependency I had on that little pill to enjoy my life.
NOW I love life, I went to a black tie event and drank sparkling water.
Guess what?
I REALLY enjoyed myself.
If I ever need a prescription drug now, which is rare,  as soon as I no longer need it I stop it, not use it as a crutch.
Our bodies speak to us.
We must learn to listen.
If I had JUST maybe I wouldn’t have got breast cancer.
Science shows that there is a CORRELATION between the 2.
Thoughts About Pharmaceuticals and Dependency

Don’t Trust the White Coats to Know Everything

This statement may sound a tad controversial I know.
Are you someone who 100% believes that they know best or are you someone who has realised over TIME that they may be the EXPERT in their area, but that the area is LITERALLY THAT, one specific piece of YOUR BODY.
Many specialists are highly trained in dealing
 with their area of expertise (I am not taking that away from them and their knowledge) BUT often THEY do not look at the bigger picture of the body being a WHOLE PROCESS.
That all PARTS ARE INTERCONNECTED and if one part is sick more often than not the cause is NOT the sick part.
For an illness or damage to show up there has usually been a failure down the line somewhere and the whitecoats more often than not do not particularly care for what’s going on down the line.
Our body’s can be likened to an assembly line – if a part fails down the line chaos ensues up the line.
A cancer journey is much like this, the specialist is concerned about the cancer type, grade, stage, what the prognosis is, how they are going to deal with “IT”,  a tumour or other types of cancer can take many years in the making, it doesn’t suddenly appear.
So what has been going on in the body over the years to create this cancer?
For me, that is THE QUESTION to ask.
First and foremost your body is sick if you have cancer.
What are you NOT GIVING IT for your immune system to fail?
Cancer is a systemic disease treat your whole body not just the bit you are SUDDENLY HATING for letting you down. It doesn’t have to be a battle, treat your body with love and kindness.
Return to the balance of homeostasis, start by patching together a holistic approach to illness.
Change your focus from the one piece to ALL the pieces that make up YOU and one of the biggest areas WE neglect is how we think. What thoughts drive us daily? Are they kind to you? Or are they critical of you?
Your body listens to every Single word you say to YOURSELF
Thoughts About Pharmaceuticals and Dependency

What Else is Available to Aid Natural Healing?

To do something OFF the radar of mainstream cancer therapies you have to 100% think out of the box.

No time to be complacent, your body won’t know how to start without:

And to realise that you are a whole being. You ARE NOT treating one part of you

The best place to start is with a CHIROPRACTOR. Be sure to check that they are willing to work with Cancer patients, as I FOUND OUT some are not.

You need an empathetic person who listens to you and is mindful of your worries.

To heal I learnt that your body needs to FLOW. All your systems need to be able to work at OPTIMUM LEVEL.

Chiropractic help will align your spine and other parts of your body to allow maximum blood flow and lymph flow throughout your body, HELPING to increase blood flow throughout your SYSTEM increases the amount of oxygen flowing around. Bodies need a good supply of oxygen to perform all the necessary functions to keep you well and help to move vital lymph fluid about.

Lymph can literally be termed the GARBAGE SYSTEM of the BODY, as it is responsible for moving waste products AWAY from the cells.

There are many other healing modalities out there to be enjoyed and discovered. I have experienced the following and LOVE them:

Thai Yoga massage
Cranial Sacral – a type of bodywork that relieves compression in the bones of the head, sacrum (a triangular bone in the lower back) and spinal cord
Cold water therapy – ie showers, cold water immersion, an ice bath is well worth trying!
Myofascial release massage – involves applying gentle pressure
Into connective tissue and fascia

I made myself MY PROJECT.

Enjoy the JOURNEY!

This isn’t making light of your situation BUT changing you from the fear state (fight or flight), sympathetic Nervous System TO rest and digest.

Parasympathetic Nervous System, learning that WE are MORE IN CONTROL of our bodies than we realise is EMPOWERING.

From this point of power we move forward with knowledge, trust/faith and a sense of I may just well pull this off.

Thoughts About Pharmaceuticals and Dependency

Mindset and My Healing Journey


One of the questions that I was asked when I started going down the path of other ways to heal was “Why do you think you have cancer?”.

An odd question, it made me cross actually – INDIGNANT!

“What do you mean? How would I know?”

BUT, when you start looking into what Cancer is there are tell tale signs and many of them are emotional.

There are key points in your life that may have triggered this process, 2 – 5 years prior to you detecting the cancer.

A near death experience, loss of a loved one, a divorce, a house move, loss of a job and a host of other life changing events, due to high stress, anxiety, fea.r

Bruce H. Lipton in his book – Biology of Belief – discusses the “INTERACTION BETWEEN YOUR MIND AND BODY and the process by which cells receive INFORMATION

Many of us, including me at this time do not give enough thought to this process and how it can affect our physical health.

This was an aspect I have worked on myself a LOT, meditations, visualisations, listening to healing isochronic sounds, monaural and binaural beats.

I used to visualise my immune system as a BLACK ROD running vertically down my body, through my heart, several times, every single day. I would visualise this rod getting stronger.

I would believe that all the healthy food I was eating made this stronger, that this stronger black rod would start killing off the cancer cells.

I used to walk along the beach with the waves crashing down around me singing at he top of my voice…

“I am healing, I am healing, I am healing, this cancer away, no more cancer, no more cancer, all is well with me today”

Thoughts About Pharmaceuticals and Dependency

Once in Spain I began to Sort My Life Out

I arrived in Spain at 3.00am. Drank a Gin & Tonic on the beach and knew it would be MY LAST in a very long time.

If I wasn’t going back for the prescribed treatment for breast cancer I needed to come up with A PLAN.


Cancer is a systemic disease, so it makes sense to look at the whole body, not just the tumour – that was my BELIEF.

I still had to start SOMEWHERE and the most logical place was FOOD.

That much quoted saying by Hippocrates in 460 BC

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”

MUST have some truth in it, I began my research and my DETOX.

I stripped out everything I found that was linked to cancer. All animal products, including dairy, eggs, coffee & tea – I loved my tea with milk & sugar. Processed sugar, ALCOHOL – as a daily drinker this was really TOUGH. This was proving really hard and every ounce of my WILL POWER was being put to the test.

I started experiencing DETOX symptoms very quickly, banging headaches, nausea, anger, frustration, POOR ME, cravings – especially for the BUILDERS TEA!

Everything I put in my mouth I Googled to see whether it was good for cancer or bad for cancer.

I made teas from fresh herbs and ginger & lemon, I drank water, I didn’t get dressed for days, wandered about the apartment in my pyjamas, I was so ANTI SOCIAL!

I wasn’t a huge fan of the world at that moment in time!

10 weeks I did this for, day in, day out.

No Cheating!

I began to realise that along with food, I needed to work on my MINDSET… So that’s what I did next

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