The sun rises in the morning, sets at night time, and yes, it rises again the next day all over again. 

Yesterday my day was in turmoil those of you who know me understand whythis was/is! 

We can carry the burdens of life experiences very densely in our bodies and they will (if you give yourself time to listen) manifest in all sorts of ways – a feeling inside that doesn’t “feel right” such as a knot in your stomach, asick feeling, nervous tension, anxiety, headache ANY NUMBER OF THINGS

This is YOUR BODY’S WAY of showing you that something is going wrong with your NAVIGATION system! If you feel it you need to see it, acknowledge it, ponder it and try and pin-point what the cause is. 

PLEASE DON’T JUST IGNORE IT as an annoyance, “Oh there’s that feeling again, I don’t like it, perhaps it will go away”. Flash news – IT WON’T GO AWAY UNTIL you acknowledge it, work on it, see it for what it is and accept, clear and reframe your thoughts around it. Only you will be aware of this until it starts affecting your external behaviour in the form of lack of patience, lack of time, annoyance at the smallest things that go wrong, angry outbursts, feeling out of control. Your negative thoughts are attracting these negative things to show up in your life. 

HOW DO YOU CLEAR THIS? What can you do? 

Well, for me I need to go to a place of calm, or meditation. Give your body time to settle into a period of quiet and stillness. To recalibrate. Here the MAGIC happens. 

From this place your mind is not crowded by the negative thoughts, push them gently away when they pop in unwelcomed. Give your energy system time to settle down, to start removing the trauma of these feelings. It is then that you can look at the situation which is causing these feelings of unease and deconstruct the incident. Look at it from all angles and embrace it for the learnings that it is giving you. 

I also find that by discussing the issue openly with others – not keeping it locked inside where the energy is trapped with no release, you will gain greater insight into what is going on within your physical body. From this place you can literally shift that “feeling or emotion” to a different “feeling or emotion” one where you feel calm, centred with your energy antennae back to the normal position. 

Last night, I talked about this very thing with a wonderful group that I belong to, and received a healing. I literally went to bed one person, and woke up today feeling a totally different person. 

The problem is still there – BUT (I love that little word) my perception around IT has changed. My body is no longer dense and heavy, instead much lighter and free to work this out on a higher energetic level. There will be resolution, I have accepted that what will be will be. It has no place controlling me, instead I will control it. Regain my power. It feels good.

24 hours is a long time, so much can happen in that space… WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES!

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