How happy can I be? HOW HAPPY CAN I BE?
That’s a big question isn’t it? This world we live in is such a huge mixture of dark and light, of good and bad, of happy and sad, as they say, AS ABOVE SO BELOW.
What does that actually mean?
Apparently it is a Latin translation from the ancient Emerald Tablet and roughly means that what happens in a higher realm or plane of existence also happens in a lower realm. Or as explained by Krystal N. Craiker, “Certain metaphysical beliefs centre around repeated patterns in nature …so it can refer to what’s happening inside the human body mimicking
what is happening in the wider world”.
Not sure I quite get this but my thoughts around this involve the idea that we are all made up of vibration, that we are more space than matter when measuring the space that exists in each of the 30 – 40 trillion cells that make up OUR BODIES. According to 99.9999999% of your body is EMPTY SPACE!
It has been proven that we are vibrational beings, and those that talk about The Laws of Attraction speak about depending on the level of vibration you are acting from, this will determine what you attract back into your life. As an experiment, if you are happy you come across many events around you that make you happy. If you are sad, then the same.
If you are thinking of buying a blue car, suddenly you see blue cars everywhere. If this is true, then by the way we think, and by knowing THAT every cell in our body is ‘listening’ like a radar to every thought we make, then we can surely influence how our own day pans out….. if we are stressed and angry all the time, our body creates inflammation and this leads to illness. If we are happy and have good thoughts inflammation is greatly reduced.
If I am happy I get that feel good factor fizzing around my body if I am sad or fearful I get that horrible tight knot in my stomach and I don’t breathe properly or my voice is croaky. We are simply reacting to vibration in physical form.
By walking in the sea I prove to myself that in that instant I have an overwhelming sense of joy and happiness that is the feeling I want to carry forth into my day. This is the daily practice we must choose to install to create that sense of joy and happiness on waking in the morning. To kick start the day with our first thoughts being around what are the good things that are happening today. What can I create today, how can I serve, how can I be a better human being today and enjoy this brief experience and existence on this beautiful planet.
No-one else can create such a huge change in your physiology – no-one else affects YOUR OWN BODY’S CELLS AS MUCH AS YOU DO!!
So …. How happy can you be? AS HAPPY AS YOU OR I ARE WILLING TO MAKE OURSELVES! I will keep walking in the sea ….
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