I have a lot on my mind at the moment (and I know that I won’t be alone in having the problems of the world on my shoulders). Stuff which isn’t pleasant, I am being tested to the limits, I have corralled all my strength and will power to getting up each day and not starting the day on a negative note.
The first thing I do is recite over and over again the Deepak Chopra mantra
“I move through my days light-hearted and carefree knowing that all is well”.
I truly believe that all will be well and that I am currently learning the lessons that I have mis-read throughout my life.
They revolve around keeping secrets for others and NOT showing up as MY authentic self. Funny really, I realise now at the ripe old age of soon to be 64, that I have never been allowed by others to be me, my AUTHENTIC SELF – sad. Allowing others to SUCK you into their story, their wishes, and their requests/demands.
You follow along thinking you are acting in that person’s best interests and FORGET TO THINK ABOUT WHAT IS IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS. That’s the STING IN THE TAIL.
OTHERS are happy to use your good will, your good intentions and your love that you shine out AGAINST YOU! It is heart-breaking.
BUT (I love that little word), that is my current reality.
I refuse to let this dominate my thoughts, my life, ruin my life, ruin the pleasures I get from living by the coast, ruin the enthusiasm for the new business I am creating, ruin my health, my dreams, myself.
I traded my car in last year for a campervan, living by the coast a GIRL NEEDS A CAMPER, campergran! As I am also a grandma and this tickles me.
When things are getting on top of me I am so lucky to be able to drive for 5 minutes and end up on the beautiful coastline of North Devon, park up and make a brew.
What would I be without my builders tea in times of emergency. It has always been the ‘go to’ in my family since I was a child. Any problems were solved by drinking tea!!!
In this space I can breathe, take the ever present restriction away from my throat, think clearly, read a book, take some time out. I walk along the beach, letting the wind blow through my mind creating some form of clarity.
The earth keeps on turning.
Nature keep on turning.
The tides keep on turning.
The day arrives.
The day ends.
The night arrives.
A never ending revolving circle of life. In a 100 years my problems will be as if they never existed. I will not exist, I have to make the most of THIS LIFE, live MY life.
So, I have drank my tea, walked the beach, pondered my situation, changed the energy, now to go back and start sorting out this mess from a new perspective. One where I have regained my power, not given it willingly to someone who wants to take it away.
FOCUS ON THE POSITIVES LOVELY PEOPLE because others just love to focus on the