by Jane McCourt | May 11, 2023 | 0 comments
The day I discovered the lump… LIFE was GOOD, really good.
I had sold my business and was living the high life.
Time for me at last.
Not a care in the world.
A river cruise in Portugal, glamping in the wilds, a couple of trips to America, a long road trip through France and Spain at the planning stage.
I DESERVED THIS, life was sweet
UNTIL …. One night laying in bed watching TV, I got an itch on my chest.
When I scratched the itch a FLEETING thought, Went through my MIND… Did I feel something?
Was that a LUMP?
Of course not was my first reaction!
I went on watching TV, then my hand crept back … to see if I could find it again.
A feeling of fright coursed through my body.
I don’t want to think about it.
You must.
In the morning was my conclusion.
I ignored the lump for about 2 months!
SILLY I KNOW … head in the sand, my friends were getting mad at me.
So I did.
3 needle biopsies, 1 mammogram, 1 ultrasound, 1 titanium tag inserted.
PAINFUL – I nearly fainted.
10 days later, you have BREAST CANCER!
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